What is Thyroid Cancer?

thyroid cancer picture

thyroid cancer picture

What is Thyroid Cancer?
Papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common cancer of the thyroid gland.
This cancer affects women more often than men. This cancer generally strikes people between the ages of 20 to 40 years, although it did not rule occur in children. The cause of this cancer is not known with certainty. Suspected genetic defect affects the disease. High-dose external radiation to the neck increases the risk of developing thyroid cancer.

Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid cancer usually begins as small bumps (nodules) in the thyroid gland, located at the front of the neck. However, it should be emphasized that most thyroid bumps are harmless and non cancerous (benign).

Thyroid Cancer Treatment

  • There are three types of thyroid cancer treatment:Surgery
  • Radioactive iodine
  • Drugs


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