What is Cholesterol And the Dangers Of Cholesterol

Cholesterol that is:  A fatty substance that circulates in the blood, produced by the liver and is needed by the body. However, excess cholesterol will cause problems, especially in heart and brain blood vessels.

cholesterol picture

cholesterol picture

Where does cholesterol come from?

  • Everyone has cholesterol in the blood, in which 80% is produced by the body itself and 20% comes from food. Cholesterol is produced consists of 2 types of cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol.
  •  LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol, which if the amount of excess in the blood will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels forming clots that can clog blood pembulun.
  • HDL cholesterol, is the good cholesterol, which has the function of cleaning the blood vessels of excessive LDL cholesterol. High levels of HDL cholesterol is a good sign along the LDL cholesterol less than 150 mg / dl.
  • There was also Triglycerides. These fats are formed as a result of the metabolism of food, not only in the form of fat but also in the form of carbohydrate foods and excessive protein, which is not entirely necessary as an energy source. Triglyceride levels will increase when we consume excessive calories, greater than our needs.

Why is high blood cholesterol is a problem?
Due to the high blood cholesterol is one risk factor that can lead to:

  • Blockage of the coronary arteries that can lead to heart attacks.
  • Blockages in blood vessels of the brain that can cause a stroke.

Are High Tiglycerides A Problem?
High triglyceride levels will exacerbate the risk of blockages in blood vessels of heart and brain, if obtained in conjunction with high LDL cholesterol and low HDL cholesterol levels.

How can so that we can monitor cholesterol levels?
The only way to monitor cholesterol levels and blood fat is by examination of blood samples taken after you have fasted for one night or 10-12 hours.

What is normal blood cholesterol levels?

  • Total cholesterol <200 mg / dl
  • HDL cholesterol 35-65 mg / dl
  •  LDL cholesterol <150 mg / dl
  • Triglycerides <200 mg / dl
  • Ratio of total cholesterol: HDL cholesterol <5


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